ephemeral background

Ephemeral CSS

Faithful custom Krunker CSS theme designed to make the user experience better while providing a purified user interface


Well well well this project started forever ago now damn.

It all started in april of 2022, back when i was freshly level 100. I tried quite a bunch of different CSSes made by people in the community. And as much as some of them were really nice, they were just not enough for me.

So, with absolutely NO prior css experience, i was like "Hey, fuck it, i'm making a css, i don't even know how this shit works, but i WILL do it". (which you can probably tell if you look at the code that sometimes i was fucking clueless about it. maybe one day i'll clean it all up, but for now it worksTM.)

The name of the CSS was originally dj62ware, like my old mod, but i quickly realised that both my mod and my CSS having the same name would be rather confusing. So i decided to change its name to Ephemeral. It comes from a song i was listening to a lot back when i was working on it at first, Ephemeral by Geoxor. It's also a word i think sounds really beautiful in terms of sonority.

Screenshots and features

(click images to make them bigger)

main menu

  • quick class picker on the right
  • the changelog button, located at the absolute bottom right of the screen lets you close the match end title quicker by doing a strong flick to the bottom right


  • customisable colours, text, etc.
  • max ammo count can be turned on / off for zombies and customs

class picker menu

  • quick class picker on the right
  • the changelog button, located at the absolute bottom right of the screen lets you close the match end title quicker by doing a strong flick to the bottom right


  • bigger level
  • less obtrusive
  • very cool yes yes

challenge menu

  • everything is shown in a more compact manner:
  • 2 per row
  • items are still displayed on the side


File Download

Installation Instructions

To install a CSS on a Krunker client, you need to drag it into the "css" folder of your resource swapper. If you aren't sure where it is, or what that even means in the first place, continue reading.
If you're on windows, it should be in "My PC", then "Documents", then "the name of your client". From here, if you see a folder called something along the lines of "swapper", enter it. If you don't, stay in the same folder.
Now, that you are in your client's folder or your swapper folder depending on the case, you should create a folder called "css" (if it doesn't already exist) by right clicking. Then, drag the downloaded file into your css folder and tadaaa. Make sure to double check if the resource swapper is enabled in your client's settings, it is often off by default on most clients.

If you're on mac, the process should be similar in the finder.

If you want to install the CSS on your browser, try installing Stylus, a free extension that lets you add your own custom css rules to a page. Just click the extension, then tick "write style for krunker..", copy the entire CSS and paste it into the extension window, then click save at the left of the screen. You should normally have a functional CSS.

If you are still struggling, try looking up tutorials on youtube, there are plenty that should explain it perfectly. Don't forget to specify the client/browser you're using.

please note that the steam client isn't supported and i am not planning on supporting it. and besides, if you still use it in 2025, i would highly advise you to change clients for something with better functionality like Crankshaft or PC7.

PC7 Client

PC7 is the most popular client nowadays on Krunker. It isn't the one I personally use but I would still recommend it to people as it has quite a lot of features, including many built-in CSSes. Ephemeral is one of them :3

please note that you do get less customisability options when loading it through pc7's easyCSS, but if you weren't planning on changing the defaults then this'll work perfectly for you.

Feel free to use snippets of the code for your own CSS if you need, but do not redistribute without prior permission.

sometimes, updates will change the main_custom.css file. you'll need to re-download it sometimes. being in the discord will notify you of such changes.
you'll also be able to provide precious feedback, ideas, or ask for help if you need it. i'm active and will respond to whatever you need help with, feel free to @ me in the "feedback-ideas-help" channel

Variable Documentation


default: #302c29
changes the colour of buttons, background of menus, and some other elements. replace it with a hex value of your choice.
credit to ariimaw on ig for the art - it was my pfp at the time


default: #fff
changes the colour of the majority of the text. pretty self explanatory, example: any text that isn't sky blue on the screenshot above will be changed. replace it with a hex value of your choice.
credit to ariimaw on ig for the art - it was my pfp at the time


default: #ff4fb9
changes the colour of XP bars, leaderboard people of your own team, fps number, etc. replace it with a hex value of your choice.


default: #ff4fb9
changes the colour of clickable links (cyan text on image above). replace it with hex value of your choice.
credit to ariimaw on ig for the art - it was my pfp at the time


default: 500
changes the width of the text.


default: 0
Set to 1 to show the Max Ammo of your guns. Recommended in Zombies mode.


default: #FFF
Colour of your HP number.


default: #FFF
Colour of your Ammo value.


default: 0
bring up the height of the hp value. if you input 20px, it'll go up by 20px. if you want to make them go down, enter (-1px * [number of px u want to go down]px)


default: 0
bring up the height of the ammo value. if you input 20px, it'll go up by 20px. if you want to make them go down, enter (-1px * [number of px u want to go down]px)


default: 16px
height of the hp bar


default: 240px
width of the hp bar


default: 50%
hp bar's horizontal position on the screen


default: 7%
hp bar's vertical position on the screen


default: 2px
width of the stroke around the HP bar


default: 1
0 to hide the hp bar. (crazy to think that used to be the default value lol.)


default: 1
Opacity of the class picker on the side when not hovered on.


default: 0.5
Opacity of the class picker on the side when hovered on.


default: ' '
custom reload message that shows under your crosshair when you have 0 ammo left in the current selected weapon


default: 'Ephemeral'
custom message that shows at the top left under your FPS / Ping and above found items. it takes the colour of special text


default: 'annoy people'
custom message that shows instead of the boring old "enter message"


default: ' '
custom message that shows at the top of the server browser (works both on legacy and new server browser)


default: 1
useless since s7. will be fixed when i stop being lazy i suppose, it's not important


default: 5px
the higher this value is set, the more rounded the picture at the bottom left will be
credit to ariimaw on ig for the art - it was my pfp at the time


default: pixelated
this changes how your bottom left picture is shown. `pixelated` is better for default pfps (class images) and very low res images, while you'd set it to `-webkit-optimize-contrast` if it is higher res (basically only set it to that if you have premium and a profile picture)
credit to ariimaw on ig for the art - it was my pfp at the time


default: 0px
height of reload bar


default: url()
put between the brackets a url containing your image. i recommend not using discord as the links need to be renewed.


default: 1
display my name and css name or not.

Known Issues

report them anytime on my discord

  • When at certain UI scales, some elements don't display properly
  • Some variables don't fully work as expected since S7
  • Ammo positionings are still fucked
  • billboard / in-game render font gets changed too


this is mainly to help if you're gonna be looking in the repo archives for a specific old version

Version Date YYYY.MM.DD format Logs
6.10.0 2025.02.20
  • Fixed UI Scale of the bottom left part of the in-game UI
  • Added a little credit line at the bottom of the idle menu, which can be disabled anytime.
6.9.4 2025.02.17
  • Increased margin of the KR display in menu
  • Increased the font size for the votes, for better readability
6.9.3 2025.01.25
  • Fixed main_custom
  • Readded maxAmmo opacity
  • Added new variable for custom loading banner
6.9.2 2025.01.24
  • Fixed reload animation
  • Fixed maxAmmo position
6.9.1 2023.07.19
  • Hidden new ad
6.9 2023.07.10
  • Fixed silent update's changes:
  • New HP bar height fixed back to 22
  • Removed the new extra chat border
6.8 2023.07.05
  • Fixed weird border on minimap from the update
6.7.3 2023.07.02
  • Moved ammo by 8px (update offset it)
6.7.2 2023.06.30
  • Updated the challenge display: removed border issue on nightmare challenges and item displays on the side of the challenge with a slight glow instead of having to hover to see them.
6.7.1 2023.06.29
  • Fixed DepoFFA token display
6.7 2023.06.29
    Additional kr v7.1.1 fixes
  • Skin item name is now bigger and better displayed
  • Added back TIME text next to the time (was temporarily removed)
  • Added back top left custom text (temp rm too)
  • leaderboard is like the old one now, forgot a few tweaks when fixing it last update
  • hp bar background and tweaks of the sort
  • slightly moved around a few things like top left text, hp text, max ammo, etc.
6.6 2023.06.29
    Emergency kr v7.1.1 fixes
  • so many fixes have been made, to summarize, reverted a lot of the changes the devs did
  • fixed some other issues that i threw under the rug out of laziness
  • some variables and features are temporarily removed, this is to release the very essential stuff. it will be readded asap
6.6 2023.06.22
  • fixed a couple of changes from the new crankshaft update
6.5.3 2023.05.25
  • mini position fixes
6.5.2 2023.05.25
  • weapon streak is now shown at the bottom left of the weapon icon at the bottom left.
6.5.1 2023.05.25
  • new weapon streak value thing is hidden
6.5 2023.05.20
    smaller changes and qol to main menu UI
  • weapon image is now above instead of on the side of the class name
  • changed position of the whole customise / preview of the outfit thing
  • changelog button is now at the absolute bottom right of the menu so you can exit the end match icon quicker
  • stream container is now located next to top right timer consistently so you can pause embedded streams easier
6.4.1 2023.04.08
  • fixed a stupid error lmao (killcard will show long item names as it should now)
6.4 2023.04.07
    s7 killcard improvements + other things
  • weapon shows under name
  • better shadow display
  • level is bigger and easier to read
  • spectate button is easier to click now
  • non-unlocked BP items now show colour when hovered over
6.3 2023.04.04
    s7 killcard improvements
  • contra has a white border now
  • killcard unshittification
  • buttons don't jumble anymore (was too lazy to fix it for a while)
  • spectate button is easier to click now
  • non-unlocked BP items now show colour when hovered over
6.2 2023.04.04
    s7 ui fixes
  • removed stream, ad, friend containers
  • junk count fix
  • tlinfhold opacity 0.4 instead of 0 by default
  • removed bundle ad on the top left
6.1 2022.12.31
  • fixed max ammo lookin like hot shit
  • revamped daily challenge display
  • changed top left a bunch
  • Loading.. text now has a pulse animation
6.0 2022.12.28
  • made a documentation. no impact but it should help people.
5.8.1 2022.12.23
  • fixes to last update znfhjnbdhbsdbffdg
5.8 2022.12.22
  • fixed ammo (hopefully)
  • fixed depo tag holders (were glitched with ui scale and i never noticed)
5.7 2022.12.18
  • 2 new variables to change things about how your PFP displays (useful for people using a custom pfp)
  • profile should look much better
  • fixed consistancy with xp bars, some didn't display the right colours
5.6.1 2022.12.16
  • updated for xmas event
5.6 2022.12.12
    redownloading main_custom.css is recommended
  • 2 new variables:
    • font thickness
    • server browser custom message
5.5.3 2022.12.10
    redownloading main_custom.css is strongly recommended
  • Rewrote a bunch of details in the css
  • Renamed all variables for better understanding (none of the old ones'll work anymore)
5.5.2 2022.12.10
  • Added to gatoclient officially
  • map_info thing with change logs and stuff at the bottom only shows on hover now
5.5.1 2022.11.30
  • made the loading screen less shit
  • made the face fit the logo properly now
  • updated main_custom.css (forgot to xd)
5.5 2022.11.28
  • new class picker menu
  • made contra names actually readable
5.4.6 2022.11.27
  • zombie mode support
  • variable added to display/not max ammo
5.4.5 2022.11.26
  • badge menu is easier to read through
5.4.4 2022.11.24
  • Emergency season 6 fixes
5.4.3 2022.11.14
  • fixed issue where the btm left weapon icon wouldn't show when spawning in or after a weapon switch on sharpshooter
5.4.2 2022.11.14
  • added back the cat friend to the inbox :3
  • he now has a name, he is called Wyatt
  • Updated some missing details from latest.css
5.4.1 2022.11.14
  • very temporary removal of cat friend to fix things up
5.4 2022.11.12
  • custom hub css made. won't be as actively supported.
5.3 2022.11.11
  • fixed the main_custom of the non custom main (it missed a variable, wtf)
  • changed the position of the DEPO tag
  • police button next to customise only shows on hover now
  • next to ur level it says lvl (huge change ikik)
  • empty inbox greets u with ur good old cat friend ᓚᘏᗢ
  • level progress bar is now the color of the text2c variable
5.2 2022.11.11
  • added mic icon when it's on
  • added back the KR tag thing for depo gamemodes
5.1 2022.11.08
  • lots of new variables
    • hpbarheight
    • hpbarwidth
    • hpbarx
    • hpbary
    • hpbaroutlinewidth
  • added customisable loading image
  • made hp bar the outline color of mainc var (not 000 anymore)
5.0.1 2022.11.08
  • fixed scrolling issue on chat (accidentally cloned some old obsolete code lmfao)
5.0 2022.11.03
  • lots of new variables
    • classpickeropacity
    • idleclassopacity
    • hpheight
    • ammoheight
  • changed the variable layout of main_custom.css
4.5.3 2022.10.27
  • added back chat overflow (aka you can scroll in chat again)
  • moved ammo to the left a bit
  • fixed letter spacing in ammo
4.5.2 2022.10.26
  • removed that goofy ass bhffa holder thing cause what the hell were they thinking LOL
4.5.1 2022.10.24
  • ammo fixes or whatever
4.5 2022.10.22
  • added animation to left menu
  • fixed the challenge bug when you completed multiple at the same time
  • misc. slight tweaks
4.4.1 2022.10.17
  • tab leader list is a lot more transparent, allowing for better visibility
4.4 2022.10.14
  • bottom left timer has a border (you can read on subzero now)
  • class picker improvements
  • friend list and streamer list are now available
  • bigass ad at the bottom from the new provider that shows occasionally removed
updates past this point weren't versioned. i'll only put the date. i didn't archive them as well unfortunately, i'll put them as i recover them.
  • custom loading banner added
  • made it not dependant on ui scale
  • made it cleaner and less annoying and less cluttered and just hot as fuckTM